I attended the IEEE InfoVIS 2007 conference in Sacramento, held October 28-30, and wrote about it for TDWI: “Visualization: Just Look What’s Coming.”
visual analysis
Running with the infovis geeks
This afternoon the geeks and the grad students who drove the IEEE InfoVIS (information visualization) conference with their clever but mostly useless inventions swarmed into the hotel lobby for some reason that only their well-wired brains understand. They are a different crowd from the one I’ve seen lately.
This year I’ve only been to business intelligence conferences. That bunch is mostly from business but also has many from the technical end of the house, IT. Compared with the geeks, most of them are boring. They talk about “goals and objectives,” they tell the same stories, and they wear the same clothes, by which I can tell they also have more money.… Read the rest “Running with the infovis geeks”
Managing by walking around with a dashboard on your head
Imagine an executive walking around with a “dashboard” on his head. It looks like a pair of sporty sunglasses, but it does much more. Whereever he turns his head, pop-up windows tell him what he’s looking at. He doesn’t even have to ask “What’s going on in that cubicle?”
Detailed background on everyone from temps to hot-shot VPs shows up in his little glasses.
I’m just free-associating on the fantasy described in William Gibson’s 1994 novel Virtual Light. Jason Fry mentions that vision in today’s Wall Street Journal. His article is about New York cabbies complaining that the city’s new GPS system can track them—and the many other uses for tracking.… Read the rest “Managing by walking around with a dashboard on your head”