The story from Dave Wells, former TDWI education director, is that Seattle University’s big cheeses—all Jesuits—met to talk about the university’s new BI project. Dave said the provost had been listening throughout, and at the end endorsed the project. “I appreciate that we all pray,” said the provost. “But at times we might need help from the data.”
How one keynoter distracted everyone from breakfast
I was half asleep as the TDWI keynote warmed up early last Thursday morning. Bob Paladino is not a bad speaker, but at first the good scrambled eggs and coffee were better. Then he got into the Southwest Airlines story, and I looked up.
The five guys at my table also looked up. They picked up the handouts for the first time and followed along.
Brutally amazing: how not to pitch analytics
I went to the post office box and found a rhinoceros. The clever people who produced this brochure should have used a bull instead, bulls being more at home in marketing, but let’s not be picky. He’s a rhino with spots, and he’s hawking analytics software.